Given the high use of our ankles throughout our daily routines, ankle injuries are one of the most common medical issues. Australians experience approximately 1 million ankle injuries each year, mostly caused by overuse. Ankle injuries can leave you inactive, with walking and daily functioning remaining difficult during treatment. The damages experienced due to ankle injuries can range in severity, including medical expenses and loss of wages.
Whilst these workers’ compensation claims are less common, in cases where your ankle injury is the result of negligence or accident, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation to cover these expenses and rehabilitation.
Types of Workplace Ankle Injuries
Bone fractures
Ankle bone fractures occur when there are breaks in any of the three ankle joint bones. The most common form of bone fractures is an ankle stress fracture which is the result of a new or increased activity or overuse, impacting the foot. Although requiring nonsurgical treatment, ankle bone fractures can put you out of action for lengthy periods.
Sprains and strains
Ankle sprains and strains are often used interchangeably, however, they each refer to different conditions. A sprain is a stretching or tearing of ligaments whereas a strain affects the tendons. These conditions are often the result of the ankle moving beyond its normal range of motion or experiencing overuse.
Tendonitis refers to irritation or inflammation of your ankle tendon, making movement and use painful and difficult. Most commonly, tendonitis is the result of overuse. Requiring rest as its main form of treatment, tendonitis will likely leave you out of action whilst the condition heals.
Ankle ligament damage
The most common form of ankle ligament damage is a ligament tear, which occurs when the ligament has torn from their point in the bone. Due to the severity of these conditions, it can affect the movement of your ankle joint and impact other structures in your ankle to cause other injuries. This condition is the result of falls and the sudden twist.
Achilles tendon rupture
This condition damages the tendon in the back of your lower leg, making walking possible. An Achilles tendon rupture requires nonsurgical treatment, however can cause severe pain. This injury occurs due to increased intense use of legs, falling from a height or stepping into a hole.
Arthritis involves the swelling and tenderness of one or more joints, often hands and legs. Arthritis can be caused by a range of circumstances, including immune system disorders and genetics, however, injuries can accelerate development. Arthritis can have vast impacts upon your quality of life and can require consistent medical attention.
Due to numerous tendons, ligaments, bones and tissue found within the ankle, and the considerable amount of time we spend using them, ankle injuries can range in severity and treatment.
To receive compensation for your ankle injury, it must have been the result of an accident, assault or a breaking of duty of care.
Common Causes of Workplace Ankle Injuries
A broken ankle or ankle injury in general can be the result of various incidences and conditions. From falls, to assaults, ankle injuries occur due to a wide range of experiences.
- Falls
- Assault
- Overuse
- Sports Injuries
- Industrial or workplace accidents
- Slip, Trip and fall
Compensation may be available to you only if you have experienced such an injury due to another party’s negligence. In many instances, ankle injuries can happen throughout the workplace due to overuse, improper training or overexertion.
Due to the inconvenience ankle injuries have upon your daily life, you may be eligible to claim compensation from the person or party who is responsible for this medical issue.
With our ankles being used so often and also commonly experiencing injuries through our personal lives, it can be difficult to determine if you’re eligible for compensation. GC Law can help with evaluating the circumstances in which this injury occurred, and whether a negligent act has taken place or a duty of care has been broken.
How Much Compensation Will You Receive for an Ankle Injury?
Determining the compensation you could receive for your ankle injury will depend upon a range of factors and circumstances. Due to the range of severity ankle injuries cause, there isn’t a definitive answer to how much you could receive after a successful workers’ compensation claim.
In Australia, the awarded compensation amount will vary depending on whether it is general damages or special damages, as defined in Australian law. General damages refer to compensation awarded due to loss of quality of life such as pain and suffering. Special Damages instead refers to the expenses experienced due to the injury such as medications, procedures and medical bills, both past and future.
Ultimately, compensation pathways differ for each personal circumstance. To find out where you stand, call GC Law now for a free no obligation appointment on 1300 302 318 or contact our expert legal team online today.
How Long After An Ankle Injury Can I Claim?
In Australia law, it is recommended compensation claims are made within six months of the injury taking place; however, you have three years overall to complete this claim. We recommend contacting legal support as early as possible to help you understand your eligibility, timeframe and documentation necessary.
How To Make An Ankle Injury Compensation Claim
We understand ankle injuries can have wide impacts upon your daily life and quality of life; impacting your work, activity and overall health. These long-term impacts can cause major expenses both general and special.
To receive compensation for your ankle condition, the injury must be the result of an accident at the fault of a negligent party. To prove this circumstance, the correct documentation needs to be provided, such as witness statements, medical evidence, photographic evidence and accident reports.
Contact GC Law About Your Workplace Ankle Injury
The team at GC Law can provide you with a free consultation today to discuss your ankle injury compensation claim. Get in touch with our team today for a free consultation and speak with a qualified injury lawyers Gold Coast who can explain your options.