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Can I Change Lawyers During a Personal Injury Claim?

By 21 March 2024News & Articles
Can I Change Lawyers During a Personal Injury Claim?

When you’ve suffered a personal injury, navigating the legal process can be overwhelming and stressful. You put your trust in a lawyer to guide you through this challenging time and fight for the compensation you deserve. But what happens if you’re unhappy with your current lawyer? Can you change lawyers in the middle of your personal injury claim in Queensland?

The short answer is yes, you have the right to change lawyers at any stage of your personal injury claim if you are dissatisfied with their services. However, there are several important factors to consider before making this decision, as it can impact the progress and outcome of your case. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why you might want to change lawyers, the steps involved in the process, and the potential consequences of making a switch.

Reasons for Changing Lawyers

There are various reasons why you might be considering changing lawyers during your personal injury claim. Some common concerns include:

  1. Lack of Communication: If your lawyer fails to keep you informed about the progress of your case, doesn’t return your calls or emails promptly, or doesn’t provide clear explanations of the legal process, you may feel frustrated and disconnected from your claim.
  2. Lack of Experience or Expertise: Personal injury law can be complex, and you want a lawyer who has the knowledge and experience to handle your specific type of case effectively. If you feel that your current lawyer lacks the necessary skills or expertise, you may want to seek out a more qualified professional.
  3. Personality Conflicts: Your relationship with your lawyer is important, as you’ll be working closely together throughout your claim. If you find that you’re constantly clashing with your lawyer or feel that they’re not responsive to your needs and concerns, it may be time to consider a change.
  4. Lack of Progress: If your case seems to be stagnating or your lawyer is not taking proactive steps to move your claim forward, you may worry that your interests are not being adequately represented.
  5. Loss of Trust: If you’ve lost faith in your lawyer’s ability to handle your case effectively, whether due to missed deadlines, errors in paperwork, or other issues, it may be difficult to continue working with them.

Steps to Change Lawyers

If you’ve decided that changing lawyers is the right move for your personal injury claim, there are several steps you’ll need to take:

  1. Notify Your Current Lawyer: Once you’ve decided to make a change, notify your current lawyer in writing of your decision to terminate their services. Be professional and courteous in your communication, but also be clear about your reasons for making the change.
  2. Choose a New Lawyer: Research and interview potential new lawyers who have experience handling personal injury claims similar to yours. Look for a lawyer who communicates clearly, has a track record of success, and makes you feel comfortable and confident in their abilities.
  3. Transfer Your File: Once you’ve selected a new lawyer, you’ll need to authorise the transfer of your case file from your previous lawyer to your new one. Your new lawyer will typically handle this process, sending a written request to your former lawyer to release your file.
  4. Notify Relevant Parties: Inform any relevant parties, such as the insurance company or the defendant’s lawyers, of your change in representation. Your new lawyer will typically handle this communication on your behalf.

Minimising the Impact of Changing Lawyers

If you do decide to change lawyers, there are steps you can take to minimise the potential negative consequences:

  1. Timing: If possible, try to make the change early in your case, before significant progress has been made or critical deadlines are approaching. This can help reduce delays and disruptions.
  2. Communication: Be open and honest with your new lawyer about your reasons for making the change and any concerns you have about your case. Provide them with a complete copy of your case file and any relevant documents or information.
  3. Cooperation: Work collaboratively with your new lawyer to ensure a smooth transition and minimise any delays or disruptions to your case. Be responsive to their requests for information and follow their advice and guidance.

Alternatives to Changing Lawyers

Before making the decision to change lawyers, it’s worth considering whether there are alternative solutions to address your concerns:

  1. Communication: If your primary issue is a lack of communication, schedule a meeting with your current lawyer to discuss your concerns and see if you can improve the situation.
  2. Second Opinion: If you’re unsure about the direction of your case or your lawyer’s strategy, consider seeking a second opinion from another personal injury lawyer. This can provide valuable perspective and help you make an informed decision about whether to make a change.


Changing lawyers during a personal injury claim in Queensland is your right if you are unhappy with your current representation. However, it’s a decision that should be made carefully, considering the potential consequences and alternatives.

If you do decide to make a change, be proactive in your research and selection of a new lawyer, and work collaboratively to ensure a smooth transition. With the right legal representation in your corner, you can continue to pursue the compensation you deserve for your personal injury.

Remember, the most important thing is to feel confident and comfortable with your legal representation. If you have concerns or doubts about your current lawyer, don’t hesitate to explore your options and make a change if necessary. Your well-being and the success of your claim should be the top priorities throughout the claim process.

If you are considering changing lawyers, why not consider seeking a second opinion? At GC Law, we offer, a free, no-obligation consultation, during which we can offer you some advice and guidance.

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