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How Long does a Car Crash Compensation Claim take?

At GC Law, one of the most frequently asked questions during a case review is “When will my claim be over?”

It’s very important, early in the process of beginning a claim, to understand that if you have been injured you only have “one shot” at making a claim.

Whenever we finalise your claim, it is on a “once and for all basis”.  It is virtually impossible for GC Law to re-open a completed claim for compensation. Even if the injury you sustained has worsened or has not recovered the way your doctors thought it would.

From a personal injury lawyer’s point of view, in trying to accurately assess a claim, we prefer that your treatment has concluded.  The financial cost of treatment is high and there is always some guesswork in anticipating the cost of your future medical treatment, after the accident. We also need to understand whether the person injured in the accident has made a complete recovery from the affects of the injuries or whether they will be left with a permanent residual disability.

For the reasons stated above, we’ll try and find a balance between not dragging out your claim any longer than we deem is necessary, and putting ourselves in the position where we can accurately assess the full compensation entitlements you, as the injured party are entitled to claim.

This is why the Free Case Review is a very important first step, to answer the question correctly we need to get all the facts surrounding the accident and obtain medical records etc.

From our client’s perspective it is a perfectly reasonable question to ask.  In general, the best answer is that the claim will likely conclude when the injured person completes their recovery process.

The best way to find out what you are entitled to, is to contact GC law as soon as possible after the accident, so we can assist you in commencing your claim for compensation.

For more information on car accident claims call us to speak to one of our lawyers on 1 300 302 388 or start a live chat session and talk with a GC Law lawyer today.

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