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Understanding Dangerous Recreational Activities and the Personal Injuries Proceedings Act 2002

By 26 August 2024News & Articles
Understanding Dangerous Recreational Activities and the Personal Injuries Proceedings Act 2002

When enjoying recreational activities in Queensland, it’s important to understand how the law views certain risky activities and your rights if you’re injured. The Personal Injuries Proceedings Act 2002 (PIPA) plays a key role in determining what happens if someone gets hurt while engaging in these activities.

What Are Dangerous Recreational Activities?

Dangerous recreational activities are those that carry a significant risk of injury. These can include extreme sports like rock climbing, skydiving, or even some forms of motor racing. The risk of getting hurt is higher in these activities compared to more everyday activities like walking or swimming.

How Does the Law View These Activities?

The law in Queensland acknowledges that people often choose to engage in risky activities for fun or thrill. Under PIPA, if you voluntarily take part in a dangerous recreational activity, it can be harder to claim compensation if you get injured. This is because the law assumes that you knew the risks involved and chose to accept them.

Can You Still Make a Claim?

Yes, it’s possible to make a claim, but it can be challenging. The success of a claim depends on several factors, including:

  • Was there negligence involved? For example, if the activity provider failed to maintain equipment or didn’t properly warn you of risks, they might still be liable.
  • Was the risk obvious? If the risk was obvious and part of the activity, your chances of a successful claim might be lower.

Why is This Important?

Understanding your rights and responsibilities is crucial, especially if you’re considering participating in a dangerous recreational activity. Knowing the potential legal implications can help you make informed decisions and take necessary precautions.

What Should You Do if You’re Injured?

If you’re injured during a dangerous recreational activity, it’s important to seek legal advice as soon as possible. A personal injury lawyer can help you understand your options under PIPA and guide you through the claims process if you decide to pursue compensation.


While dangerous recreational activities can be thrilling, they come with risks. The Personal Injuries Proceedings Act 2002 recognizes these risks and can limit your ability to claim compensation if you’re injured

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