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What You Need to Know about Making a TPD Claim

By 8 August 2023News & Articles
What you need to know about making a TPD claim

Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance provides financial support to individuals who suffer from a disability that prevents them from working and earning an income. If you find yourself in a situation where you are unable to work due to a severe disability, a TPD claim can offer much-needed financial relief from financial stress, particularly if you are the breadwinner in a family.

In this article, we will explore the eligibility criteria for making a TPD claim, provide examples of different TPD scenarios, and outline the claims process to help you navigate the process effectively. Speaking with legal professionals with proven experience in handling a TPD claim is advisable, to ensure your claim is in order and to enhance the prospect of its acceptance.

Eligibility criteria for a TPD Claim

Eligibility criteria for TPD claims can vary based on the specific insurance policy and the provider. However, some common factors are considered across most policies. To be eligible for a TPD claim, you typically need to meet the following criteria:

Permanent disability: You must have suffered a total and permanent disability that prevents you from engaging in your own occupation or any occupation for which you are reasonably suited based on your education, training, or experience.

Waiting period: Most TPD policies have a waiting period, usually between three to six months, during which time you must remain totally and permanently disabled before you can submit a claim.

Definition of TPD: The definition of TPD can vary between policies. Some policies have an ‘own occupation’ definition, where you are considered TPD if you can no longer work in your specific occupation. Others have an ‘any occupation’ definition, where you are considered TPD if you can’t work in any occupation for which you are reasonably suited. The ‘any occupation’ definition of disability is the only one available if you wish to hold TPD insurance through your superannuation. Any occupation TPD cover is also generally less expensive than own occupation policies, the latter potentially providing a payout even if you’re able to return to work in another occupation. Certain own occupation policies may also not provide cover for specific occupations that are deemed high-risk.

Evidence and documentation: You will need to provide extensive medical evidence and documentation from qualified healthcare professionals to support your claim. This may include medical reports, diagnostic tests, treatment records, and statements from specialists.

Examples of conditions that may give rise to a TPD claim

TPD claims can arise from various life-altering circumstances. Here are some examples of scenarios that may qualify for a TPD claim:

Accidents and injuries: A person involved in a severe accident resulting in permanent physical disabilities, such as loss of limbs, loss of sight or hearing, or paralysis, may be eligible for a TPD claim.

Serious illnesses: Individuals diagnosed with critical illnesses such as advanced stages of cancer, multiple sclerosis, or severe heart conditions that prevent them from working may qualify for a TPD claim.

Mental health conditions: Severe mental health disorders, such as severe depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which hinder a person’s ability to work, can also be grounds for a TPD claim.

Chronic conditions: People suffering from chronic illnesses or conditions, such as chronic back pain or autoimmune diseases, that significantly impair their capacity to work may be eligible for a TPD claim.

What’s involved in the TPD claims process

Making a TPD claim involves several essential steps to ensure a smooth and successful process.

Firstly, you should notify your insurance provider about your intention to make a TPD claim as soon as possible. Obtain the necessary claim forms and documents from the insurer, or you may find them online at the insurer’s website.

Next, all relevant medical evidence and documentation to support your claim must be collected, including medical reports, specialist assessments, test results, treatment plans, and any other relevant records. A personal injury lawyers can help expedite this process for you when handling your claim.

Then fill out the claim forms accurately and provide comprehensive details about your disability, its impact on your ability to work and lifestyle, and any other relevant information requested by the insurer. Submit the completed claim forms along with the supporting documentation to the insurer.

The insurer will review your claim and conduct an assessment to determine if you meet the policy’s TPD criteria. This may involve seeking additional information from medical professionals or conducting investigations. After the assessment, the insurer will communicate their decision on your claim. If approved, you will receive a lump sum payment based on your TPD policy’s insurance. If your claim is denied, you may have the option to appeal the decision or seek advice from a legal professional. Payouts can range between $30,000 up to $1.5 million in some cases.

Seek specialist advice

When making a TPD claim as a result of accident, illness, or a chronic condition, understanding the eligibility criteria (including the importance of waiting periods), gathering comprehensive evidence, and following the claims process diligently are all vital to a successful claim. If you find yourself in such a situation, the guidance of expert legal professionals such as our team at GC Law can be the difference between having your claim accepted or rejected. Contact us the personal injury lawyer today if anything in this post raises questions for you.

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