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Where Do Most Motor Accidents Happen?

By 11 February 2021News & Articles
Motor Accidents Lawyers Gold Coast

There is no sure-fire way to avoid a car or motorcycle accident. Sometimes you can just be in the wrong place at the wrong time. But motor accidents do tend to occur more often in certain places and at certain times.

Where do Most Car & Motorcycle Accidents Happen?

You might think that falling asleep at the wheel during a long drive is more likely to cause an accident than cruising around your neighbourhood. But the truth is most car accidents occur close to home, probably because of the relaxation we feel driving on familiar roads.

How do Most Car & Motorcycle Accidents Happen?

If you’ve ever driven home after work, and as you pull into your driveway you realise your brain was on autopilot the whole way home, then you know the feeling.

Due to the frequency at which we drive the roads that surround our home, it’s relatively easy to develop a feeling of over-confidence. This over-confidence combined with a lapse in concentration can sometimes be enough to cause an accident.

Densely populated residential areas can also be a little difficult to drive within, as cars parked on the street provide a new obstacle that is not present in other areas. Haphazardly parked cars can be an unusual obstacle to navigate around, especially if they’re parked to jut out onto the road or there are cars parked on both sides.

According to the Road Trauma Australia Annual Summary, the most common causes to fatal motor accidents leading up to 2021 were all avoidable. They were (in order): speeding, alcohol consumption, fatigue, and distraction.

How to Best Avoid an Accident Close to Home

The two most important things you can do to avoid a car accident on a short neighbourhood drive is to:

  1. Stay alert, and
  2. Buckle up.

It sounds so obvious but being vigilant about these two things makes you a safer driver. These steps are the best way that you can ensure your own safety when you are driving your motor vehicle.

Try to avoid falling into your comfort zone even when you’re approaching your house or if you’re just around the corner from home. Although you know the street like the back of your hand, car accidents often occur as a result of unpredictable events, like another driver, a crossing animal or mechanical failure. Letting your guard down decreases your responsiveness behind the wheel.

When do Most Motor Accidents Happen?

Unsurprisingly, more car accidents occur when there are more cars on the road. Drivers are more vulnerable to a car accident in the morning and late afternoon or evening, going to and from work. Rush hour traffic combined with tight, busy roads close to the city can combine to create a potentially dangerous road situation.

Understanding where and when accidents occur can help you stay alert and safe behind the wheel.

By staying aware of the inherent dangers that are involved in operating a motor vehicle, you can ensure that you are giving yourself the best chance of staying safe and avoiding undue danger. However, sometimes car crashes can be almost unavoidable. If you have been involved in a car accident, GC Law can help! Our personal injury lawyers can help you to receive the compensation that you are due. Contact us today.

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